Saturday, June 19, 2010

#44. Mummy & PoPo's Birthday Celebration

It has been a long time since I last updated a proper post. Probably because I lost interest in blogging because I find it too troublesome to upload pictures but not anymore because I'm using photobucket now! =D Anw, met mummy and popo for lunch on Tuesday. Hubbee took off to accompany me & I brought baby Tiffany along to celebrate their birthday!

As usual, hubbee took forever to prepare and we were late!

Met them @Suntec to have Kushin-bo. Was so tempted to dine there because of Deardear's blog post. =) The timing for lunch is 11-2.30 but we only reached @1pm! Once we reached, me & hubbee hurried to grab all the delicious food! =p Had lots of salmon sashimi as that was my favourite. Wanted to eat the snow crabs too but I didn't cos it would be troublesome if Tiffany wakes up for her milk. And true enough, after 10 minutes she woke up for milk. =(

Luckily popo was there to help feed and pacify Tiffany so that me and hubbee could gobble down our food!
Passed mummy the present MIL bought for her..

I think she love it! Heehee..

Spent most of the time talking, taking photos and looking after baby Tiffy so didn't really get to eat much.
Mummy forever so cute! Lovesloves!!
Hubbee too! =D
I forced him to smile with teethes! I like~ Nice what!!!

And while we were busy snapping and yakking away, Popo is still pacifying my little devil! So sweet of her.. I guess she love Tiffy a lot cos she kept on smiling and smiling.. only see her so happy during CNY. LOL.
Told you we didn't have time to eat. =( Still so much food left but we decided to go cos they are already closing. =(

Before we left, one of the staff was so nice to volunteer to help us take some photos. =D
After lunch, we walked around as I was finding the clip for Tiffy's pacifier.. Went to a few shops but couldn't find. =(

Hubbee so cute pushing the pram around! =P

And then mummy helped us took our very first 全家幅! Happy lor! =D Like finally..
Love this photo so much! It's my HP and Lappy's wallpaper now. heehee~
At least now I don't have to stress about putting which photo as wallpaper cos I want to see baby Tiffy but I also wanna see hubbee, now I can have best of both worlds! =D

My cute little devil!!! Love her so so so much!

Walked for a little while then we sat a cab home because it was near Tiffy's feeding time and we didn't wanna feed her outside. Well, I feel that Tiffy is improving. At least she didn't cry so much like the previous time. Hopefully one day I can bring her out without feeling afraid! =D
Overall, I really enjoyed that day because I was surrounded by all my love ones..Hope mummy enjoyed herself as well! =D

Oh and, hubbee brought me to the movie later in the night! So happy, finally caught a movie after around 1000 years? After movie we headed to Cosy to chill and then home in the morning at 7plus. DEAD TIRED!! Shall update when I get the pictures. =)

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