Monday, March 22, 2010

#24. Feel Good About Yourself! =D

Today is a happy day for Kongkong as I've officially started my maternity! YAY! Although it means going back to the working society earlier instead of spending time with Tiffany in future, but it also meant that I have reduced the % of getting banged by people in the MRT. Saying that, there's this article which I took from a mummy's blog, really pissed me off! What kind of fucker would say such things?
Brainless or what?

Anw, went down office to settle my MCs & everything then went home to whip up a nice breakfast for myself. It has been a long time since I last cooked for myself. I was thinking, should I do up a time-table for myself? I hate lazing around doing nothing. But again, I doubt I'll really follow the time-table. LOL.

Hopefully by this week I'll be able to do up my new blogskin, read up more on breastfeeding & by end of this month to get my hospital bag and breastfeeding neccessities ready. Oh, and those things for confinement. Baby Tiffany, please hold on okay, don't so gan jiong to come out! =D

Here spammers, this is for you.
Feel good about yourself! =D


Jasminyyy Wishes said...

faster pack ur hospital bag, if not ltr baby tiffany gan jiong wan to see this world earlier dan expected. =x

Kelly Kong said...

yea. I will! lol.