Sunday, March 21, 2010

#23. Yummy Yum Yum!

Had a craving for durian today so hubbee & me went to Hg mall to settle our dinner. After dinner, headed down to basement & went straight to 717 Trading. I had in mind to buy durian puffs as it was a long time since I ate it but when I reach, this caught my eye.... How to resist a durian cake that is so 'gao'???!! My god. How I hope I can share it with deardear, but...the greedy pig ate it all up already. =( DAMN FUCKING DELICIOUS!! $8 is totally worth it! YUMS!


Deardear said...

Aiya fated one lar, everytime u want to leave something for me to eat someone will always finish it instead. U got heart of me can already :)
I tried durian crepe before. Also very nice! You must try k!

Kelly Kong said...

lol..deardear, u know who that someone is? it is me....... =( I tried before also! After baby come out we go geylang eat durian leh... I miss it so much!!!