Friday, March 26, 2010

#25. My One & Only...

This sweet lil thing suddenly blogged about our friendship a few days back. I was shocked to see my naked, botak eyebrow face in her blog but yea, I'm blogging now to take revenge. A sweet revenge. =D
Click here to read that sweet entry!
So now you've heard her side of the story, it's my turn now. =) Just to side track a little, I just want to let those brainless spammers know, there's always two sides to a certain story. =) Be wise!
Anw, me and deardear started our friendship all the way back since Sec 1. It wasn't like those 'love at first sight' kind cos I still remember how clearly I kinda hated her. Deardear was very noisy last time and damn KPO(even now!), and I even remember during Sec 1 orientation, I couldn't get to sleep because of her! After a few weeks, we just clicked out of a sudden! No idea how or why but I guess it was all meant to be. =)
School life sucks for us. Always getting into trouble together, doing detention together, dropping from express stream to normal stream together, running away from home together, getting caught back to school together and eventually, we dropped out of school together. Some said it was me who influenced her, some beg to differ. To me, it was just the outcome of 'US'. It is hard to explain but I don't know why when both our brains are put together, weird things would eventually happen. Lol. Anw, after dropping out of school, both of us stepped into adulthood together and went through lots of things together...

In 2007,
Deardear would always spend her time in my house. We would spend the nights drinking and drinking..I remember this was our favourite drink. How I hope I can drink this now..
We would chat while drinking and unknowingly, we would both realise that we have been talking for like over 10hrs!! This always happens to us, we can talk about anything and everything! Even when we meet, we will talk on the phone all the way until we reach and see each other!
In 2008,
It was one of the worst year we had. Everything happened so fast..Starting of the year we studied private O's. It was a mistake, we couldn't even concentrate with each other's presence! But it was fun, real fun. At times, we did concentrate.. but still, it's no use.
Our couple pencil box! Heehee~ I remember how much I love the things inside deardear's pencil box. Always so many colour pens! LOL!! Whenever we plan to study, we will always end up playing instead. =(
When going to Sze Kuan's birthday, I came across this beautiful sunflower & bought it for deardear as she loves sunflower. I know she's always hoping her boyf will buy for her, but it was really too pretty to resist so I had no choice but to be the first! It was my first time giving flowers to someone too. & it was damn bloody expensive lor. Like $15 or something like that. And, I remembered deardear was also the first to give me flowers. During our secondary days, she gave me a bouquet of roses. LOL! So sweet right!
Bought this gigantic hello kitty all the way from Thailand for deardear's 18th birthday. I still remembered her classic face when she saw the kitty, like 'kua dio gui' like that. I know deep down she was very very happy because even when I was damn fucking drunk and lying on the sofa, she still cam whore with the kitty lor, on the same sofa some more!! Both so big size than squeeze me behind!! =(
Shortly after turning 18th, I met someone who changed my life completely. Someone who never ever appreciated me for the person I am. Someone who made me thought I was saved but instead dragged me to hell again and again. Someone who only took me for granted and have never ever took me seriously. Luckily I still had my best friend, Miki.
She was always there.. when I cried like mad, she was there. Even when I gave my worst tantrum, she was still there, never leaving me. Even when I almost left her for that person, she still loved me..
I love her alot too! Don't believe? I cycled her on this okay. Although only for awhile but it was still a prove for how much I love her. She knows it. Right deardear?
After getting broken hearted, we became addicted to clubbing. We can even go ladies night, just me and her and still find it fun!
HOW COME AH??!! I myself got no idea why!
Drink and drink and drink and drink.
When I got high and cried, she was there.
When I got high and talk rubbish, she was there.
When I got high and keep laughing, she was there.
When I got high and knock out, SHE WAS STILL THERE!!
There were times when I was damn broke, no money to club, she paid for me.
When she also got no money, we will dig and dig for money and then share a plate of rice.
When we got alot of money, we will spend and spend on good food till we left with no money.
This is us.
& even when I last minute call her and tell her I wanna go drink,
she will say ok and we will just go to a pub to drink, just both of us.
I really miss those days alot..
Why am I so lucky to find such a best friend like her?
I'm not good with words, I can't express how much she means to me..
I can only say,
She means so much to me, I don't think I can ever live without her.
I love you deardear..
7yrs and still counting. =)

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