Thursday, April 8, 2010

#28. 我的Tiffany宝贝♥

If anyone noticed, I have changed my blog song to a new song. & it is specially dedicated to my precious baby Tiffany. Hearing the song made me feel very relaxed and happy, just the same feeling as my baby gives me. =) I have been carrying Tiffany for 269days already..just 11 more days to go! I feel so attached to her & I realise what other mummy says is so true! You will miss your baby inside you when they are out. Right now, I'm already hoping she can stay inside me so I can feel her movements & kicks. Yet, on the other hand, I can't wait to see how my precious looks like! Omg, so contradicting. Anw, I was browsing other mummies blog and realise their gestation period is mostly 38wks+! I'm already 38wks & 3days alr but why am I not experiencing any cramps/contractions or whatever? Is it normal? & I realise Tiffany has been less active lately. =( Is it because I'm too lazy lazing on bed all day? =((((

Anw, today Auntie Jermaine came in before going to work to pass me this.

Guess what is it?

TA-DA! A cap, mitten & bootee set for Tiffany! So sweet~
Tiffany is so lucky cos she's being pampered by so many people even before seeing the world. =)
Oh ya, kun told me that it was weiwei who choose this design cos it is more meaningful & her friend said they printed wrongly. It is supposed to be 'Welcome to the cruel world'!
Mummy is reaching home soon with my cinnamon melt! =D Will be going to Vivo to buy Tiffany's stuff. Hopefully I can get everything by today! =)

Baby is 38 weeks & 3 days old! =D

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